Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sneak Peeks

As some of you might know from an earlier post, we had a photo shoot for The Pillars of the Community last week. I wasn’t in the photo shoot, but got to help out which was really fun. While at work (I work as an assistant to Elements' Artistic Administrator), I happened to get a peek at some of the pictures from the shoot and some mock-up poster ideas… I have to tell you they looked pretty cool! Stayed tuned to see the finished product later-I personally can’t wait to see the finalized poster… We’ve got some great designers on the job!
                On another note, I’ll give you a peek in on an ‘in-house showcase’ that two of my friends and I are performing this weekend for our friends, family and the rest of the Company. We’re doing some Ibsen and some Shakespeare- pulling from things that we learned during our month in Chicago. Our theme: Myth and the Sea, and living on Cape Cod, we have the luxury of performing it right by the ocean! More to come on that later…

The exercise of reliving

I was looking forward to another day of rehearsals and wondered why we don't call it reliving? That is what we have to do when going over our lines repeatedly, to truthfully relive our emotions that we need to use to do justice to our character.  If I don't its a waste of time and is unfair to the other actors that are working to do their part...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Never let 'em see you sweat

Someone was commenting on the internal work that the theater arts is.  Its a kind of suffering that if the artist is doing their job right you never realize what it costs them as a person. But as the artist you are putting yourself intentionally in a "Groundhog Day" over and over again. I have to willing to be in the moment in order to live the moment in front of you. Every performance.  That is what you come for. To experience something fresh or revealing, or a reliving of a old mostly forgotten memory...

Sunday, September 23, 2012


For some people music is what catches them. Colors can make all the difference to another persons day. For others, words are the key to unlocking their heart.
Drama has a important role to play in human inspiration (and even salvation). The proof is the long history of man using drama to communicate with others. From the story you share with a friend to Shakespeare's writing to Noel Coward, it unlocks and opens the heart to a shared experience.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Its Saturday night

Saturday night when I was a young adult was saved for Saturday Night Live, of course. A whole group of friends would sit down and laugh for an hour.  Even if we were offended with something (rarely) we "tune in" to be there the following week to see what they would do next.
Great theater groups are like that.  Every time there is a show I stand in the back and watch others excercise their acting chops.  Its not like I don't know the lines by then, but something about watching them spin their energy into a moment is mesmerizing. I just have to see what happens next. Just like Saturday Night Live.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Everyone Craves Drama

Whether you are a Book Worm, a Couch Potato, or a Drama Queen, everyone craves amusement of some sort.  Just sitting the office, I enjoy a quick story or reaction from another person.  It takes you out of your own sphere for a minute and lets you know you are still alive somehow.  My favorite is when someone flounces through the office without saying a word. 
 You just have to smile. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Creative spin

Swirling around me in this office is buzzing activity.  I have a computer programmer snapping his fingers working out loud how to do only God knows what, mumbling from the finance office (that's pretty normal actually !), two Elements people perplexed and sparring vocabulary as only dramatists can about how to land a venue in Boston, two publicists working on the phones for Gloriae Dei Cantores tour (IN TEN DAYS !!), and one tour planner and a tech guy kneeling in front of the printer,( and I'm not repeating what they are saying anywhere)!

Meanwhile I sit here like a real life "Wheres Waldo?" hidden in plain sight. Trying desperately to spin a fascinating blog... Its so Broadway.  I can almost hear them breaking into lines and song. 

 I'll let you know how it ends !

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ibsens' mirror

Most artists use situations or materials from around them as inspiration.  Ibsen was no exception to this when he wrote his play "Pillars of the Community". Born into a well to do shipping family similar to Karsten Bernicks' family in the Norwegian village of Skien, Ibsens' father eventually lost the family fortune and turned to alcohol.  Ibsen saw his mother suffer from her husbands financial situation as well as the alcoholism and she always remained in his eyes to be a victim in his family .  When I read through the play the first time I had the sense that there was something that Ibsen was working through.  While I'm sure that it was not a autobiographical play, there were many strong scenes that rang true. As though the reader was there.

I think he was.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Tonight was the photo shoot for Element's production of the Pillars of Community! I am always grateful to be involved in these experiences because it amazes me how each photo can capture a character's unique personality. Whether your character is quizzical, or brooding, or excited; with just a twitch of a lip or an arch of an eyebrow, you can see their character take shape and change right in front of you. These experiences inform me as an actor, that it takes commitment and physicality to bring a character to life. But most importantly, it has to come from inside you, because sometimes you can't use words to express yourself!

Voluntary capture of the soul

Today's the day for the photo shoot for "Pillars of the Community".  There was an old belief that a picture can capture the essence of someones soul..I can't wait to see what part of the soul the camera will tell when we have our clothes, makeup, and are working our magic.  This is when all the work inside ourselves and outside comes together.  They say the camera never lies, and that's true.  If someone is struggling with a quality in their character this is where it shows up. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Hot Seat

Today in rehearsal we played "Hot Seat".  A character from the Ibsen play "The Pillar of the Community" is chosen to sit in the center and has to answer any question without any lies either from the play or within the character.  Its a challenge to stay there and not step away inside when I can't think of the answer the way I would if I really were Mrs Bernick....

Sunday, September 16, 2012

There is a place deep inside myself that I only open up when I feel safe... which is not often.  I have dedicated a large part of my life to creating drama to share. But how can I do that when I'm not open to connect my heart and emotions with the text?  I am no longer communicating outward but am using my energy to shell myself, protect myself inward, away from others. The characters in this play by Ibsen are forcing me, like a old true friend to look at my inner self and see what everyone else already does.
How extraordinary to have the chance to see myself as others do, with my own eyes.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Moral Dilemma

Karsten Bernick has a dilemma in the play "A Pillar of the Community" by Ibsen. 
Does he tell the truth, or does he continue a lie of convience that has been festering for years ?  What do you do when you are faced with the results of your poor choice ?

I believe part of the reason that this play is not as well known as the others by Ibsen is there is a driving force to make you look within.  At the part of you that you want to hold private. The comfortable position that observers would take would have Mr Bernick suffer in some way for his lies. Instead he seems to get away with it. How un-comfortable.

 What would I do? Tell the truth, or hold out as long as I could ?  I'm really not sure.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Strong Drama

The name of this blog is a Play on Words. It seemed so clever to have the word play in the title.  But sometimes words aren't clever and they aren't playing. They can be a vehicle for laughter or become the single most painful weapon.

It would be too easy to enjoy the drama world in a silly and giddy way, but as with all other art forms you have to have contrast. I was thinking back over the years of Elements plays and they have all had comedy and tragedy, joy and sorry, misunderstanding and clarity.  The first and only time I saw the Dining Room it was so balanced between hurt and kindness, the laughable and the cry-able that I could only stand it once.  I thought about it for days after.  I'm still not sure what happened...

Isn't that what makes Drama great ? The believable strong contrast that changes your life, even if you don't know how.

Life is like that. Isn't it ?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Uncomfortable honesty

I was thinking about the first time I heard the Elements group read through The Pillars of the Community by Ibsen, and how Pride is singularly human ....Animals live in the moment and while they can be embarrassed I believe it is more because they don't know what is expected of them rather than they are proud of who they are and are brought down by something.

One of the characters by the name Karsten Bernick goes through all sorts of deceit and manipulation of facts to protect his pride in his reputation.  As I listened to this character go through all of his dishonest ways I was very uncomfortable.  Sometimes honest transparency is like that.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012


 "To suffer loss of, give up, renounce, injure, or destroy especially for an ideal, belief, or end". (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sacrifice)

Real Drama always has a sacrifice. Think about it- our best movies, plays, or stories always has someone or many suffering.  The drama is what are they going to do about the sacrifice or with the suffering?  That's the real story.  Even our tabloids follow the agony real or imagined.

There is a strong connection between an actor and their character.  That's pretty well known.  What isn't as well known or recognized is the Sacrifice that an actor must make for the drama to ring true.  All of their inner structures or belief systems that do not match must be put down in order to pick up the sacrifice and suffering of another character.  

I was listening to two of the actors from the upcoming play,"The Pillars of the Community" by Ibsen, who didn't notice that I was nearby.  They were working through a scene discussing what their character would say and think.  I was struck by the ease with which they could find what position the character would react out of instead of what they as themselves would do.  There is a sacrifice here of choosing to be "other".  There are times when it is such a relief to be someone else, but to lose yourself in it is something else.  This is a price of sacrifice that is paid by actors that are true to their character.  It is not an easy thing and should not be ignored.

Monday, September 10, 2012

New Challenges for Elements

  This group of players continues to pursue truth and transparency.  They came back from Chicago looking more confident and committed.  Like they have looked in a mirror, accepted what they saw and are comfortable in their skins. (Of course now they want to show off the skills they learned...like combat fighting in the work place !)

Elements Theatre Company will be taking The Dining Room on tour in March. This is the play that was done this past spring. Here is the new promotional you tube. The dates and venues will be posted on their website a little closer to the event, but I wanted to mention it as something to look forward to.  In the meantime they are working on the upcoming Ibsen play, The Pillars of the Community which will be November 23, 25,30th, as well as December 1st and 2nd.